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What famous quotes did Jackie Robinson say.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

''Life is not a spectator sport.

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What teammate said that Jackie Robinson was his friend on the Brooklyn Dodgers?

Pee Wee Reese was Jackie Robinson's friend on the Brooklyn Dodgers.

Who said Life is not a spectator sport?

It's Jackie Robinson Quotes. The full sentence is: "Life is not a spectator sport. If you're going to spend your whole life in the grandstand just watching what goes on, in my opinion, you're wasting your life.”

What was the name of the son of Jackie Robinson who died?

Jackie Robinson Jr. was killed in an automobile accident on June 17, 1971. He was 24 years old.In Jackie Robinson's bio it said his son the oldest Jackie Jr. died of a car accident to drug addiction that started when he went to the Vietnam war. that just what I read. Very sad.

What does the quote that Jackie Robinson said mean A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives?

He means that your goal in life is to positively affect as many people as you can. He's a nice guy.

Did Jackie robinsons son die?

Jackie Robinson Jr. was killed in an automobile accident on June 17, 1971. He was 24 years old.In Jackie Robinson's bio it said his son the oldest Jackie Jr. died of a car accident to drug addiction that started when he went to the Vietnam War. that just what I read. Very sad.

What year did Jackie Robinson go to Hawaii?

Jackie Robinson quit UCLA before graduating and went to Hawaii at the invitation of a semi-pro football team called the Bears. The season was cut short with the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. In fact, in a biography of Robinson, it was said that they had to black out all the lights on the passenger ship, the Lurline, as they left the islands.

Why was Jackie Robinson named Jackie?

Because hes black. Note that the person that said the previous statement is too stupid to know how to spell the simple contraction "he's." This moron is also unaware that Jackie Robinson has been dead for quite a while, meaning it is incorrect to say that "He's black" -- the only intelligent statement would be "He WAS black." Oh, and BTW, Robinson got the nickname because he was quite adept at stealing bases -- he's one of the few players to ever steal home in a World Series game.

Was jerry Robinson Jackie Robinsons dad?

Jackie Robinson did in fact have a father... At first. One day his dad said he wanted to visit his brother in Texas. His dad left but never came back. Jackie and his family then moved to Pasadena California. Jackie ended up joining a gang called The Pepper Street Gang. A pastor from a church decided to help Jackie become a better person. The pastor was with Jackie all through High School and even College.

What marks did Jackie Robinson leave?

In Major League Baseball, perhaps it can be said that Robinson's first marks were at the beginning of his baseball career. He was the first Black baseball player in the Major's and in his initial year he was named as the National League's Rookie of the Year. Robinson played for the Brooklyn Dodgers.

What made Jackie Robinson play major league?

First and foremost, Rickey want to WIN BALL GAMES, and felt that players of the calibre of Robinson would help him do so. He knew that Robinson would suffer EXTREME abuse while playing, and so he had to be absolutely certain that Robinson would endure the abuse.

Is Jackie Robinson a good or bad influence?

well for what he has done its very courageous. i mean he broke the color barrier in baseball ! he didn't care what people thought or even what they said like even if u look @ is quotes ~To answer the question is Jackie Robinson a good or bad influence? He is an excellent influence. A great role model.

Who was the second person inducted into the baseball hall of fame?

Jackie Robinson, who played for the Brooklyn Dodgers from 1947 to 1956, was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown in 1962 -- his first year of eligibility in 1962. Interestingly, the great Cleveland Indians pitcher Bob Feller was inducted at the same time. Feller had been critical of Robinson through the years and once said that the Dodgers great had "football shoulders and couldn't hit an inside pitch to save his neck."