Hockey. Field Hockey was invented by the Ancient Greeks. Ice Hockey was invented in the early 19th century in Nova Scotia, Canada where it was originally known as "Shinney". Basketball was invented by James Naismith, an expatriate
Canadian living in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1891.
While Baseball was introduced to America in 1845, and Basketball in 1891, it is a tough question to answer. Ancient Incas use to play a game very smiliar to a combination of basketball and soccer called tlachtli.
Bowling came first.
Bowling was invented in ancient Egypt (about 4500 years ago)
Golf was invented in the 15th century (about 600 years ago)
basketball. netball originated from basketball
ice hockey when french soldiers created the game they used a rubber ball and then rules and regulations and the hockey puck was added Basketball and Lacrosse
Professionally, baseball.
Probably Hockey. NHL came to be in 1917. ~Mccayde Densley it's deffinally football
it came in 1920
Basketball first came about in early December 1981.
soccer first, basketball second, hockey third.
hockey by far
playing sports, such as Baseball and Basketball, or hockey
basketball is the most globally.