It should be your hands and forearms but technically any part that the ball bounces off of is okay and the legs are used also to get the ball
arms, head, body and knees....but the players cannot use their feet
You may use any part of your body in volleyball, except when your serving. And remember: NO CARRYING!
volleyball is a good sport because you use you upper body as well as your lower body
The parts you can use are your fist, your foot, your fore arm and your shoulder. not sure if you can use any part of your body. according to new regulations you can hit the ball using any part of the body expect the double hit double hit-contacting a ball twice in a single pass
I believe the feet are not allowed, but all other body parts are fair game. <different person> I actually think you can play with all body parts and also the feet :)
FIVB is the governing body of Volleyball
they use it to build body parts and make cells
gh jh'
ALL the body parts of a Caribou are needed for it to live.
no part of your body can touch the volleyball net
the Philippine Volleyball Federation
Help them. Take care of them. Teach them to use their muscles and joints.Just to help them use their body parts.