A metal bat hits the ball further than a wooden bat because metal is harder than wood.
A metal bat will hit the hardest because metal is 85% stronger than a wooden bat.
Most people would prefer a aluminum bat as you can hit the ball further with an aluminum bat with the help of the strength of the aluminum.
It can refer to "corking" the bat, so that an advantage is gained, in terms of the bat's "springiness" and, therefore, enhanced ability to hit the ball further.
How fast can a batter swing the bat? The faster the swing speed the further the ball will travel.
Advantage is that you can hit a ball further while the disadvantage is that it is harder to control or change the swing
the metal bat
Big bat.
An at-bat is in baseball, the opportunity given to a player to hit the ball.
because a metal bat has give so when the ball hits it the bat flex's and the ball slings off harder
Studies have shown that the speed the ball travels after being hit by a metal bat is 3 to 8 miles per hour faster than a wood bat. This would translate to a ball hit for a home run travelling 20 to 50 feet further off a metal bat as opposed to a wood bat. Click on the 'Metal Bat vs Wood Bat' link on this page to read a very interesting article about these studies that were performed on the two different types of bats.
Used to hit the ball.
to hit the ball