Rick Barry of coarse He shoot over 90% morely EVERY YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they make 24 out of 100, which is 24%
FTM = free throws made FTA = free throws attempted
0.7969, 0.3355, 0.2936, 0.1468
about 32. that's really good if you can do that
Free Throw
yes, the weight of a basketball does affect free throws because while shooting a free throw you have a routine for every opportunity of shooting a free throw and if have a basketball that has different weight then your other basketball then you will end up short or long.
Im assuming you mean in basketball. If the player is shooting from inside the arc (three-point line), then they receive two free throws. Outside the arc, then they receive three free throws. If the shot goes into the basket, then they receive one extra free throw.
do 10 pushups a day RUN!!! Get a ball and just dribble 10 min with your left and 10 min with your right do lay ups right handed and left handed SHOOT FREE THROWS!!!! just shoot wherever you feel comfortable
18 made free throws / 90 attempted free throws 18/90 = 0.2 Success in making free throws = 20%
Free Throws
lay ups free throws etc.