

Best Answer

Size of ball, weight of ball, surface-smoothness of ball.

Moisture in surface covering of ball, hand coverage area of ball.

Smoothness or grippy-ness of hand surface.

Moisture of hand surface. Lubrication amount provided by any sweat on hand, salt content of sweat.

Wind direction and speed, distance thrown, ambient temperature and humidity. Center of gravity of ball.

Movement paths of wrist, elbow and shoulder.

Acceleration of muscle contraction during throw, (time that throw takes until release from hand, with associated accelerations in all muscles involved).

Finger contact with ball during release.

Spin direction and velocity on ball because of finger contact.

Tiny tiny variable on force of gravity due to elevation?

Hmmm. I just realized that maybe a physicist could double this list.

That's a good start. Really, some guys at MIT could do this better.

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Q: What are the variables of throwing a softball?
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What are the basicskills of softball?

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What are some softball drills?

some softball drills are running throwing fileding and much more

What is a softball made out of that makes it so easy to throw?

a softbal is not easy to throw- you probably are not throwing a real softball.

Why is throwing important in softball?

Because it is a basic concept and vital part of the game.

What football techniques are used in this sport?

The throwing technique is the football technique that is used in softball. The ability to accurately throw is very critical as far as softball is concerned.

What is the throwing distance between third base and first base on a softball field?

84.9 FT

What is long toss?

when warming up in baseball or softball while throwing long toss describes when you are throwing from a long distance like from the foul line to the fence.

What could be wrong when you have shoulder pain while throwing a softball?

because a dodgeball is so light has no friction when you're throwing.

Is softball of baseball the harder sport to play?

softball is so much harder! baseball is such a wimpy spot for guys.. there pitching is just like throwing.. so yea softball is harder.. so all the guys out there who think baseball is harder DIE

What activities could you use to improve you catching and throwing in softball?

Have someone toss a Frisbee to you and help with framing the ball

What are the fundamentals of softball and baseball?

The fundamentals are catching, throwing, hitting, and baserunning. I would also consider playing position as a fundamental in softball because there is a proper way of executing the playing positions on the field.

What are Three cues for overarm throwing technique in softball?

T, step, L, throw. Stand in the shape of a T, step forward with the foot closet to the direction you throwing, bring your throwing arm next to your head in an L position, then throw.