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These are the top five NFL Teams and what they are worth.

Washington Redskins 1.423 biliion dollars

New England Patriots 1.176 billion dollars

Dallas Cowboys 1.173 billion dollars

Texans 1.043 billion dollars

Philadelphia Eagles 1.024 billion dollars

This list is actually the wrong one. This list just gives you what the top 5 teams are worth asset wise vs earnings. The link below has that .

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Q: What are the top 5 total revenue earnings in the nfl?
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From the BLS website - ..."In May 2006, median annual earnings for all tax examiners, collectors, and revenue agents were $45,620. The middle 50 percent earned between $34,840 and $62,530. The bottom 10 percent earned less than $27,290, and the top 10 percent earned more than $81,890. However, median earnings vary considerably, depending on the level of government. At the Federal level, May 2006 median annual earnings for tax examiners were $52,630; at the State level, they were $44,110; and at the local level, they were $33,120.Earnings also vary by occupational specialty. For example, in the Federal Government in 2006, tax examiners earned an average of $38,290, revenue agents earned $82,204, and tax specialists earned $55,100."

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$221,458 and that's if your the top dog.

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