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The decals on the back of the Arkansas Razorback helmets are sledgehammers.The decals are given for big plays.

Reportedly the summer of 2009, the team had to break a 3 ton rock with sledgehammers to represent "chipping away at the SEC"-- something at which they seem to be having some success in the 2009 season.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Its a big P if that's what you mean

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Q: What are the symbols on the side of Purdue football helmets?
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Why do you put symbols on the side of football helmets?

You need the football helmet mainly for protection ,especially concussions. Way back in the good ol' days, players wore helmets made from leather and without face mask , nowadays players have something to hold on to, of course illegally. The football helmet is also used for the uniform and team identification. The rough and tumble British sport "Rugby",players wear no protection gear at all.

What elements are in a helmet?

I play football so I know about football helmets. They are hard on the out side and soft in the inside. There are pads lined in the helmet. Some brands of helmets have an air tank that you fill with air to make it tighter. There is also the face mask that protects the face, a chin strap that holds the helmet on, and a mouth guard to reduce concussions and protect your teeth.

What color is the NCAA pennant decal on the back of ther Georgia bulldogs football helmets?

I think it's a black NCAA Pennant decal on the left side of the helmet at the bottom.

Why do people need helmets?

It shows what side a soldier is on from the design and even helmets today can deflect some kinds of bullets.

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I believe that if you look very closely you will see that the OO is in fact OC. The pill is a 20 mg. Oxycontin made by Purdue Pharmaceudicals. If you wish to double check, Purdue provides photographs of their products.

Did the Montreal Canadiens wear red helmets?

No they wore blue helmets with their symbol on each side of the helmet it has always been like that. This was posted from a Montreal Canadiens BIGGEST FAN!!!!!!!!!

What does the logo for the Chelsea Football Club look like?

The newest logo for the Chelsea Football Club is blue, red, and white and has a lion in the center. The lion appears to be holding a staff of some sort. There is also two small symbols on each side of the logo.

What is the will side in football?

the weak side

How many players are there in a football match?

There are eleven per side in American football and international football.

On what side is the American flag on NFL helmets?

The stars should always be going forward. Looking at the helmet from the back.. it should be the left side

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What is the difference between a map key and symbols?

Symbols are small, well, symbols that are ON the map. The Key is off to the side, and tells you what the symbols mean.