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Lacrosse is a game of speed and your always gonna be on the run. There is a crosse the stick and a head with mesh in it that you can use to scoop the ball up. Make sure you don't rake it.( my coach is always saying it) When your trying to catch the ball don't catch it like a spoon. Hold your stick up and let it come in DO NOT swat at the ball in an attempt to catch it. And stretch cause you'll feel achy after a game. Never stop in the middle of a game. First of all your coach will go berserk and second like i said its on the run. If your a new player you''ll need a mouthguard, a helmet, armpads, gloves, a cup, a stick, shoulder pads, rib pads, and cleats. Soccer cleats will do. And if their is a bunch of people huddling whacking each other with the stick don't be afraid to run though a knock a few people down to get the ball but if your team looks like they have it get open so you can get a pass and make a fast break to the goal. the positions in lacrosse are midfeild-which is offense and defense, attack which is offense,defense which is defending your goalie and attacking the attack players and goalie which is blocking shots from going into the goal.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Men's lacrosse:

very rough sport

lots of running

10 people on a team (3 middies, 3 attack, 3 defence, 1 goalie)


short sticks with deep and flexible net

get the ball from one end of the field to the other


short sticks with shallow and stiff net

score goals


long sticks with wide shallow stiff nets

get the goal away from the opposing team and to the middies

Women's lacrosse:

non-contact sport

lots of running

sticks are shorter and netting stiffer and shallower than men's

12-14 players, spread evenly depending on how many players there are

Positions are the same as men's

Winning is based on how many points you have when time runs out. (30-45 minute games usually)

Lacrosse is a game mainly played in college or high school, because it is so rough, but many youth teams are being established. If you are not in school, look online for a lacrosse class near you.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

keep the ball inbounds

no illegal conduct that could get you arrested

no fighting


minimum of 3 people on a team per side excluding goalie

everything else is fair game

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Lacrosse is the fastest game on two feet. 10 players on each time take the field in outdoor lacrosse, 6 players for each time for indoor. Both numbers include a goaltender, who is allowed to use a much larger head and pocket than the other players. In outdoor, there are three defenders, three midfielders, and three attackmen. Attack are offense, midfielders are both, and defensemen play defense. The object is to put the hard rubber ball in the net. Rules are similar to those of hockey. Lacrosse is the fastest game on two feet. 10 players on each time take the field in outdoor lacrosse, 6 players for each time for indoor. Both numbers include a goaltender, who is allowed to use a much larger head and pocket than the other players. In outdoor, there are three defenders, three midfielders, and three attackmen. Attack are offense, midfielders are both, and defensemen play defense. The object is to put the hard rubber ball in the net. Rules are similar to those of hockey.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
  • everyone has a stick that resembles a hockey stick upside down with strings on it.
  • There is a hard 7 ish cm diameter rubber ball (often yellow)
  • The aim of the game is to get the ball, by throwing it between the sticks and running with it, into the other ends goal.

There are several players on a team


Point ( 1st defence)

Cover point (2nd defence)

Third Man (3rd defence)

Left and right defence (wing defence)


Left and right attack

Third home (third attack)

Second Home

First Home

there are only a few basic rules

  • you cannot hit anyone
  • You can hit their stick (but if it is thought dangerous the ball Will be given to the other team.
  • Boundary lines must have 3 people behind them (in the UK) and 4 people behind them (in the us).
  • you can not barge.
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βˆ™ 15y ago

You win lacrosse by scoring more goals than your opponents by full time. I play lacrosse.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The same way you play boys lacrosse

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βˆ™ 15y ago

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Related questions

Where can one find the rules for the sport Lacrosse?

The rules for the sport Lacrosse can be found on many online sites such as US Lacrosse, Dick's Sporting Goods, Wikihow, Laxpower, and Inside Lacrosse.

When did woman start playing lacrosse?

Woman started playing lacrosse in 1980.

What are some lacrosse books?

* lacrosse for dummies * lacrosse:technique and tradition *lacrosse: rules, tips , strategy and safety

What year were the rules of lacrosse standardized?

It is difficult to say that the rules of lacrosse are standardized. Each league and age group has slightly different rules and each group was set up at different times.

What are some rules for inter-lacrosse?

find the chicken.

Were lacrosse rules ever changed?

Yes, the rules change a little bit every year.

What is indoor lacrosse called?

indoor lacrosse is called box lacrosse. it is played mainly in canada. In box there are also different rules about your stick, gear, and general gameplay.

What are the enjoyment benefits of the sport lacrosse?

Lacrosse is a wonderful game enjoyed by many Americans each and every day. Many people enjoy playing lacrosse. When a poll was taken of 38,000 American households, 99.8% said they enjoyed playing lacrosse. If you ask me, lacrosse is very enjoyable. Enjoy!

What is a benefit of playing lacrosse?

There are many benefits to playing lacrosse like developing team skills. Lacrosse can also increase your strength and keep you in shape. The best thing about lacrosse is how much fun it is. There are many reasons that people play and it really works out for a lot of people.

What type of exercise is playing lacrosse?

Lacrosse is great cardiovascular excercise because it involves lots of running

What would you need when playing certain sports?

If you were playing lacrosse (if you were a girl) you would need a mouth guard, a face guard, and a lacrosse stick. If you were playing volleyball, you would need knee pads.

Where did they invet lacrosse?

native Americans were seen playing it