

Best Answer

goal shooter. GS

goal attack. GA

wing attack. WA

centre. C

wing defence. WD

goal defence. WD

goal keeper. GK GS marks GK

GA marks GD

WA marks WD

C marks C hope this helped x

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Q: What are the positions of a net ball team?
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What are the instances that a team can gain a point?

When your team gains a point: 1. when the other team serves the ball into the net or out of bounds 2. when the other team doesn't get the ball over the net in 3 or less passes 3. when the other team passes the ball into the net or out of bounds 4. when your team hits the ball to the other side and it lands in bounds

How do you explain soccer to a 6 year old?

Kick the ball into the net, or pass the ball to a teammate so they can kick the ball into the net. The team that kicks the ball into the net the most times during the game wins.

In a volleyball game if a player blocks a ball but his hand touches the net what happens?

If it hits the net but does not go over then it is a sideout and the other team gets the ball. If it hits the net but goes over, it is playable and the other team must get it or lose a point.

What should a player do when it is impossible for him to attempt a goal?

Pass to a teammate or Take a shot so your team can drive the net

How does catching the ball begin a reversal in some variations of the the game?

well in Basketball if you get the ball you will want to get it to the net the other team is defending so when the other team get the ball it is reversed and they try to shoot for your net and you try to defend it

How does catching the ball begin a reversal in some variations of the game?

well in basketball if you get the ball you will want to get it to the net the other team is defending so when the other team get the ball it is reversed and they try to shoot for your net and you try to defend it

Are you allowed to touch the net in volleybal?

no you are not aloud to touch the net at all in volley ball even if you fall into the net the point is awarded to the other team this can be judged by the umpire in the game, the ball is aloud to touch the net and go over but no person is aloud to touch the net or even put tthere hands over the net to block the ball.

What is the best time to switch position in volleyball?

The best time to switch positions with a teammate is either after a person on your team serves the ball or if your team isnt serving: after someone on your team recieves the ball and it goes over the net but you should always be ready to play the ball even if you are running accross the court switching.

Can any part of your body touch the net while the ball is in play?

no.. if you touch the net, the ref will blow the whistle and the ball goes to the opposite team

Does a volleyball team have to use all of its hits to get the ball over the net?


What is neet ball?

There is no such thing as neetball there is netball which is a team sport where you have to shoot the ball into the net, also having defenders (other team) defending you.

What is a net violation in volleyball?

-All balls and serves have to get over the net if you want it to count as a point for your team. If it doesn't, it's a point for the other team. -If you hands touch the net, either when blocking or hitting, it's an automatic point for the other team. -If the ball touches the antenna on the net, then it's automatically out of bounds, point for the other team. If you were to be playing club volleyball then your fingers can't touch the top of the net or the bottom.