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The objective of softball when your team is up at bat, is to hit the ball when the pitcher pitches it and then run around the bases and try to get home without getting out. when your team is in the field, then you try to get the other team out so your team can bat.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

To win a softball game you have to score more runs than the other team. To score a run, you must touch all four bases safely. This is done but hitting the ball or getting on base somehow. Defensively the point of the game is to keep the other team from getting on base by making put outs - getting the ball to the base before the runner gets to that same base.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

An obvious goal would be to win the league championship, but smaller, more reasonable goals seem to work better with motivating a team. Shoot for placing in a tournament, or even winning a game in tournament play to start, or simply winning a game in league play, then build on that. If it is a beginner group look to get all members throwing and catching for 10 minutes without dropping the ball once, there are goals everywhere, you just need to find them.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

You should always aim at the person chest when you are throwing. I play Fast pitch softball and i have been playing for 9 years and im 13 right now.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

=The function of a softball is for it to be played in the game, softball. You throw the ball or catch it when someone throws it to you. It's not very hard to learn.=

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No, bunting in 16U softball is not illegal.

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