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NO.NAMEPOSAGEHTWTCOLLEGE2010-2011 SALARY85Baron DavisPG326-3215UCLA$14,000,0009Semih ErdenC246-11240$473,6048Christian EyengaG216-5210$1,020,96033Alonzo GeeSG236-6220Alabama$641,1411Daniel GibsonPG256-2200Texas$4,015,33412Joey GrahamSG286-7230Oklahoma State$992,68044Luke HarangodyF236-7251Notre Dame$473,6046Manny HarrisG216-5185Michigan$473,60421J.J. HicksonPF226-9242North Carolina State$1,528,9205Ryan HollinsC267-0240UCLA$2,333,3334Antawn JamisonPF346-9235North Carolina$13,358,90518Anthony ParkerSG356-6210Bradley$2,855,76924Samardo SamuelsPF226-9260Louisville$500,0003Ramon SessionsPG256-3190Nevada$3,964,32017Anderson Varejao

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LeBron James, mo Williams, shaq, Anderson varijao, delonte west, zadrunes illgauskiest, jamario moon,and more

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Q: What are the names of every cavs player?
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Is LeBron James Hated by Cavs fans?

Yes. Lebron James promised to the Cavs that hed stay with them because he was their only GOOD player on the team. But, Lebron left onto a better-working team, Miami Heat on 2010. He left because the Cavs needed a good player for once, and he was pretty much the Cavs whole career. When he left, the Cavs sucked again, and needed a good player. Although, they later received Kyrie Irving, they are still mad and angry at Lebron for breaking a promise and leaving the Cavs to another team. The team still remains with hatred toward his decision to leave, and not to stay.

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John Battle. Former NBA player for the Cavs and Hawks.

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What does Cavs stand for in Cavs Schedule?

Cavs stands for Cleveland Cavaliers which is a team in the NBA. The Cavs Schedule refers to a schedule of the times and opponents of the Cleveland Cavaliers NBA team.

Who is the 2 best basketball player in the NBA?

Kobe Bryant from the LA Lakers, and Lebron James from the Clevelend Cavs

Why does Cleveland suck?

It does, but we have the best basketball player in the world, and he will retire with the cavs. The answer is because it is small and a cold weather city

Which Cavs player holds the team record for the highest average of offensive rebounds per game?

Lebron James

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Thomas vermallen.

Which NBA team is better the nets or the cavs?

The heat is better than the nets and the cavs!!!!!!!!1

Will the cavaliers beat the Celtics?

Maybe, maybe not! Listen the Cavs and the Celtics are both good but you never know the Celtics might beat the Cavs, and the Cavs might beat the Celtics!

Is LeBron James still with the cavs?

Yes LeBron James is still with the Cleveland Cavs as of August 2016.