The Laws of Association Football (Soccer) are governed by the International Football Association Board (IFAB)
According to these laws a Football pitch (the playing area) for an international, adult game should be between 110 and 120 yards in length and between 70 and 80 yards in width.
Every soccer field will have a different longitude and latitude.
A professional women's soccer field is typically 75 yards by 120 yards.
No, It's the same width; however a soccer field is 20 yards longer.
they use math when they are in the field and they kicking angle
A soccer field's dimension varies according to the age. The length can be anywhere from 100-130 ft and the width can be anywhere from 60-100 ft. A soccer field cannot be square though so if the length of the field is only100ft the width must be a maximum of 99ft. A professional soccer field is usually 60-120 or 70-130.
Soccer fields are typically measured in linear units, such as meters or yards. The dimensions of a soccer field are commonly expressed in length and width, rather than cubic units which would involve measuring volume.
The length of the Football/Soccer field for international adult matches is in the range 110-120 yards (100-110 m) and the width is in the range 70-80 yards (64-75 m), while American football fields are 120 yards (109.7 m) long, that's including the 10 yard (9.1m) for the goal area on each side, by 53.3 yards (48.8 m) wide. Soccer/Football fields have more Square Yard play-area than American Football Fields.
Eleven on a field, and around 42 if you count reserves and unused subs
Women's Professional Soccer was created in 2007.