Square feet is a measure of area and linear is a measure of length. There is no conversion between the two.
Square feet is a measure of area and linear feet is a measure of length. You cannot convert between the two.
Invalid conversion: square meters is a measure of area and linear meters is a measure of length or distance.
There is no answer to your question. "Regular" feet, called linear feet, is a measure of how long something is. Square feet is a measure of how large an area is by multiplying the area's width by its length. Linear feet and square feet measure two different things, so there is no conversion factor.
NONE!!! 'Metres' is a linear measure : a stright line measure. 'sq'metre' is a measure of area ; a region a plaine
Feet can't be converted to square feet. Feet measure length, while square feet measure area.
You can't convert a square measure to a linear measure. You might convert it to square meters, or to square kilometers.You can't convert a square measure to a linear measure. You might convert it to square meters, or to square kilometers.You can't convert a square measure to a linear measure. You might convert it to square meters, or to square kilometers.You can't convert a square measure to a linear measure. You might convert it to square meters, or to square kilometers.
Soccer fields must be rectangles. Square or round fields are not allowed.
Square meters measure area but linear meters measure distance.
A square meter is a measure of area; whereas a linear meter is a measure of length.
Square feet is a measure of area and linear is a measure of length. There is no conversion between the two.
Invalid conversion: square meters is a measure of area and linear meters is a measure of length or distance.
Invalid conversion: square meters is a measure of area and linear meters is a measure of length or distance.
Invalid conversion: square meters is a measure of area and linear meters is a measure of length or distance.
Invalid conversion: square meters is a measure of area and linear meters is a measure of length or distance.
They are two different things. A square foot is a measure of area. A linear foot is a measure of length or distance.
Not possible to convert a linear measure to an area measure.