By law, 18 to buy, under 18 you can be supervised by an adult to use them. But it is illegal for someone under 18 to take the marker off the premises without an adult. :)
There are plenty of options where one can buy pump paintball markers. Zephyr Sports, ANS Gear and Amazon are great options for pump paintball markers.
There is not licencing for paintball markers.
Though Paintball markers can be sold to pawn shops and Paintball stores, there are no specific "paintball pawn shops." The link attached is a site where markers can be bought, sold and traded.
A paintball marker is a paintball gun. It is just called a marker instead of a gun.
Yes, they are. Any markers marked as "scenario" markers are just military simulation markers, which are fine at any feild.
if you are talking about the one is sacramento, yes
All paintball markers must be chronographed at under 300 FPS, so all markers have the same "power."
No they do not. A spring paintball gun shoots at about 120 feet per second and a propellant powered one will shoot at 300 feet per second depending at what the user/owner sets the velocity of the marker at."spring action" markers are markers that run solely on a spring, but all paintball markers Use springs. These spring pump guns are less paintball markers and more toys.
There is no place in the US that requires a permit/license for paintball markers.
You can find cheap and discounted paintball guns and markers from your local gun shops. You can also look for garage sales for cheaper prices of paintball guns and markers. You can also try checking online for dealers and stores such as eBay and Amazon for cheaper and discounted prices of paintball guns and marker.
All paintball markers are chronographed to the same velocity of around 290-300 FPS.
No, in the US you must be 18 to buy paintball markers and most accessories.