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coordination helps your sport performance by increasing your reaction speed, accuracy agility, and reaction accuracy

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14y ago
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14y ago

Coordination can help you be better at the sport you do and in certain sports help flexability.

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12y ago

In pressured situations when the crowd is screaming and yelling and beating on the bleachers, you learn to tune it out so you end up concentrating on the sport instead of them.

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What do sports teach you?

Hand-Eye Coordination.

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They all do. In fact, a person can't move without neuromuscular coordination.

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Coordination in an outline means that?

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How does sports improve hand eye coordination?

Sports, Such as ping - pong and tennis, Can improve your hand- eye coordination by training your eyes to react to your surrounding faster. Try playing pingpong. That's a quick way to improve hand- eye coordination. Hope I helped. =] i found karate helped allot with mine as i have disphraxia.