

What do sports teach you?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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Hand-Eye Coordination.

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What does sports teach you?

Many Sports teach you how to work as a whole team. Such as good sportsmenship. Also they teach you to be confindent in yourself.

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What can sports teach you more than school?

You learn how to get along with people and get phisically stronger

What fathers should teach their sons?

teach them sports, life skills..all sorts of stuff....and teach them what you feel is important

Top schools to teach in?

corpus christi catholic sports college is a good school to teach in

What is a young sports leader?

a young sports leader is someone who helps train and teach children (younger sports people)

What sports do French schools teach?

French schools teach the basics of athletics. Children also go to the swimming pool and play collective sports (basketball, football, ..)

Who invented sports games and why?

Jesus, he wanted to teach people to blindly follow sports teams too.

How does a Sports School work?

They just teach Sports like dodge ball,volleyball,baseball and stuff

Why is multiskills taught?

to teach young kids to have sports skills bro

What sports can do?

Work on abs, stay out of trouble , and teach basic training

How do you impress a boy who is into sports?

Talk about the sports he plays or watches, also tell him what you like to play or even ask him if he could teach you how to play one of his sports of interest.