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Most leagues do not have any education requirements. However, many good training programs do exist at schools and colleges, which increase the chance of becoming pro.

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None at all, no educational requirements.

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Q: What are the education requirements to become a pro soccer player?
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What is education is required for a soccer player?

There are no educational requirements for a soccer player. If you're good, you're good doesn't matter if you have have a Phd or if you are a school dropout

Do soccer players need education?

Yes, you need to have education to be a soccer player because the leaders of the soccer teams would not only take you and play with just because your good, no they would see if you have education to take you and become a professional soccer player.

What education or training is required to become a soccer player?

No i cant answer it because im a nerd

What education or training you need to become a soccer player?

youll need to be certified and be a people person;)

What education you need to be a soccer player?


What education is needed to become a professional soccer player?

a high school diploma. college play pro soccer, it is better to have the highest education you can get, but if you don't have one, you can still play if your good enough and the team wants you to play for them.

How do you become a professional soccer player in India?

To become a soccer player in India you must do a lot of practice.Practice can led you to become a professional footballer.

What does a soccer player need to study to become a soccer player?

they have to study physics and do well in PE

Where can you become a pro soccer player?

In a lot of places. Just go to your local soccer club and try it out. You may become a great player.

What happens to your family when you become a soccer player?

they become rich

What education is needed to be a professional soccer player?

Dedication. Sacrifice.

The education you need to be a professional soccer player?

None at all.