only the americans becuse they have no life football all the way thats english football :)
Football. Fans and attendance at the events are two different things. It is impossible to know the actually fan base. But based on attendance it would be baseball by a wide margin, almost 5 to 1, but even then there are naturally going to be more people attending baseball games because there are way more baseball games played each year than football games. Then you have to look at TV and how many people watch the games. Most experts agree that Football has the most fans with baseball in second place.
The best football fans in the world is England Football fans.
Football Baseball Hockey Basketball Soccer Boxing
Football Fans Census was created in 2002.
liverpool fans
Most Chelsea fans would definitely say Lampard.
It is a matter of opinion. Football, soccer, rugby, and all other types fans will say otherwise, but basketball fans will say it is the greatest sport ever.
They tend to be European, there is footage of massive fights between Germans and English fans.
Football definitley
Football is the most paid, you can not play a game for 3 years and still make 40 million dollars Baseball is second they get paid around 40 mil(the Yankees players) but not per year its for like 5 years basketball is the least paid
man utd