only the americans becuse they have no life football all the way thats english football :)
53,000 fans
The Yankees have the best fans!
Many baseball fans wear pink on Mother's Day to promote breast cancer awareness. Some players even use special pink baseball bats to show their support.
I only know that you can email Torii Hunter at Kevin youkilis used to talk to fans on twitter, but too many Yankee fans, and ignorant baseball fans pissed him off.
Because baseball attracts so many fans to each game, these fans will usually shop at local stores, eat at restaurants, stay in local hotels...etc.
game and baseball fans
They give T-shirts, water bottles, and caps away to baseball fans
A poll in late 2012 found that 53% of adult Americans identify themselves as fans of baseball. In 2013 the number of US adults was about 242 million. This would mean about 128 million adults are fans of baseball. If youth are fans of baseball in the same percentages as adults, that would mean 167 million Americans who like baseball. The sport is also very popular in many countries in Latin America, but even estimates of the percentages of that population who are fans of the sport are not available.
Many baseball fans and baseball historians credit Alexander Cartwright and his New York Knickerbocker Club the man and ream that perfected the modern day game of baseball. This was done between 1842 and 1846 in a New York City park called Madison Square.