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a groin injury is when you stretch too far or when you hurt the inside part of your thighs or the upper part of your leg. there are many ways that this can happen and how bad it can get, but the basic meaning of a groin injury is when you have pain in the inside part of your thigh.

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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 16y ago

you stretch your groin to an extent it gets hurt.

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Many. Because of the weight of the ball, back injuries are common. Ankle injuries and wrist sprains are common. You don't want to know about groin pulls!

Why does your groin sweat smell like pus?

It is an infection.The terms "testicle pain" and "groin pain" are sometimes used interchangeably. But groin pain occurs in the fold of skin between the thigh and abdomen not in the testicle. The causes of groin pain are different from the causes of testicle pain.If you Orchitis is one of the causes.You can take diureitc anti-inflammatory pill to cure orchitis.

What causes a dull pain in the groin?

What causes groin pains? I would say grow'n pains. I think and heard its stretching or pulling of the muscle. Like when you strain to have a bowel movement. That muscle you flex when doing so is your groin. It sounds like you've pulled or strained something which may or may not be your groin. Either way it sounds like its time for a trip to the doctor.

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A common injury in the US are sports injuries. These include ankle sprain, groin pull, hamstring strain, shin splints, knee injury, and tennis elbow. Without proper physical therapy, these injuries most often worsen over time.

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