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it is a face paint to keep the sun out of their eyes they also look cool

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Q: What are the black marks under NFL players eyes?
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How do you remove the black marks under our eyes?

By getting enough sleep usually ...

What are the black lines under a baseball players eyes called?

It's just called "eye black." Real creative, I know.

How do you remove black marks around the eyes?

Cover eyes with cucumbers or potatoes

Why do football players paint black marks across their cheeks?

If you happen to be playing in very sunny weather, you can get some glare reflecting off your own cheeks which can to some slight degree interfere with your long distance vision. Black paint reduces the glare.

Does ice help black circles under your eyes?

Yes, I usually do this if i have bags under my eyes

What is black under eyes for?

it is used to keep the g;are out of player's eyes

How many stripes do football players put under there eyes?

they were 2 on each side

Why don't rugby players paint black stripes under their eyes like American footballers?

Because they don't want to look stupid. that may be true in the sport of rugby, but its generally used to reduce the glare from the sun. I dont know why rugby players dont wear it. but it really helps with those who have really sensitive eyes.

Why are cheetah's eyes black?

The so-called 'tear marks' on a cheetah's face are designed to absorb sunlight and thus prevent glare from impairing the cheetah's eyesight, even when the sun is bright. If cheetah's did not have 'tear marks,' the yellow fur on their faces would reflect much more light into their eyes and make it more difficult to see when there was a lot of sunlight.

Why do American footballers have black under their eyes?

cos there tired of your face

Why do leopards have black lines under their eyes?

I think your mistaken with cheetahs.....

Who is the black lady in the State Farm commercial?

Gabrielle Dennis. She also plays Janay on The Game.