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cos there tired of your face

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Q: Why do American footballers have black under their eyes?
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Why don't rugby players paint black stripes under their eyes like American footballers?

Because they don't want to look stupid. that may be true in the sport of rugby, but its generally used to reduce the glare from the sun. I dont know why rugby players dont wear it. but it really helps with those who have really sensitive eyes.

Does ice help black circles under your eyes?

Yes, I usually do this if i have bags under my eyes

What is black under eyes for?

it is used to keep the g;are out of player's eyes

Why do leopards have black lines under their eyes?

I think your mistaken with cheetahs.....

What are some of side effects?

Puke, red eyes, black bags under your eyes, lazy, and you may die.

How do you get rid of black eyes from under your eyes?

The only thing that will get rid of a black eye, is the passage of time. Your body will heal itself in its own good time.

Is the combination of brown black hair and dark hazel eyes common or rare for a girl?

It's common for African American girls because I'm African American and i have brown black hair and dark hazel eyes.

Who Footballers have minus eyes and wear contact lenses?

Petr Cech, Kaka, David Beckham....

What Horror Movie had a little boy with black eyes under the bed?

grudge :)

How do you remove the black marks under our eyes?

By getting enough sleep usually ...

What are the black marks under NFL players eyes?

it is a face paint to keep the sun out of their eyes they also look cool

What is the meaning of the 1633 under the eyes of Tim Tebow?

He has bible verses on his eye black