There are no healthy advantages of an unhealthy diet. An unhealthy diet is an unhealthy diet.
No, I play netball for a team called Dominos Netball Club. Netball is a GREAT sport for losing weight, you don't have to diet unless you think that you are having problems like losing breath easly and mybe you should get your fitness up and if you do think that you should go on a diet then play a posision that dose not involve to mch work so that you can rest every so often.- here I think they use the word "diet" to mean what their dietary intake consists of. not diet in the faddy terms of yo-yo dieting and calorie counting (!!)also the point about losing breath; work on your aerobic fitness first as this is the problem, not neccessarily your weight (!!)As with any athletic diet, I would say protein rich diet, low in fat and high in carbs is should be having 10-15% of your calories in protein, and 60-70% from carbs.don't eat less than 2 hrs before a match (4 if you can) as you will feel the effect as the blood moves away from your gut that is trying to digest your dinner towards your working muscles!It goes without saying that you should always always eat breakfast. high in fibre and wholegrains. low in sugar.
Many nutritionists believe that abstaining from red meat and having a vegetarian diet is better for one's health. In most cases, removing red meat from a person's diet is less expensive than a "regular" diet. The disadvantages of a vegetetarian diet are yet to be discoverd.
no particular advantage...
They bring roughage, vitamins and minerals into your diet.
I'm no doctor but there actually are some advantages to a high cholesterol diet. Cholesterol aids in the function of cell strength and regulates blood pressure in the body.
Some advantages of a low-fat diet may include weight loss due to the relatively high caloric density of fats. This diet is also thought to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and some cancers.
Start having Mediterranean diet
the diet of a volleyball diet is a healthy diet. they must have a lot of vitamins, calcium and vegtables
by having a balance diet.
It can! This is why you need to take protein juices and calcium in your vegetarian diet.