I've been to two Sharks games in my life. I set upper level the first game, and 3 rows from the glass the second. I got a game puck the second game I went to when the puck hit the glass and flew over the top. So the odds of getting a puck are 50% I'd have to say. Ha ha ha. Thanks to Jason Demers for autographing it too!
Let's just say the odds go up depending on how close you are to a Baseball game. Very high if you are the player at bat. Extremely low if you are sitting on a beach in a country where they don't play baseball.
If you are sitting at a baseball game, in the stands, the best number I can find is 1 in 297,723. Apparently stadiums don't keep very good records on this kind of thing.
Simply catching the puck while it is in mid-air, not to be confused with freezing the puck which is causing a whistle by covering the puck with your hand.
a puck
A hockey puck
THE PUCK, you play hockey to get the puck.
The hockey puck was invented so hockey players had something to shoot into the goal.
A puck stopper is another name for a goaltender in hockey.
The Game of Ice hockey is played with a Puck.
The surface area also depends on the thickness of the puck.
A Kyle Okpososinged hockey puck is worth 500$
The average lifespan of an NHL hockey puck is 7 minutes.
In ice hockey, a puck is a hard rubber disc, one inch thick, three inches in diameter. A hockey stick is used, as a tool, to propel a puck.
Play hockey with it.