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This is a defensive position in Volleyball and it requires the player to be able to react quickly. Exercises which stress explosiveness like plyometrics would be helpful. Also up-downs would be good too because you often have to get down quickly to hit hard low balls. Eye exercises to learn to quickly locate the ball and track it would be helpful. There are optometrists who specialize in sports vision, look in the yellow pages or do a Google to find one.



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13y ago

The thing about good liberos is that they are fast and they are the most willing to go after the ball . So to get better I would practice alot of agility and footwork to improve speed . Just focus on getting to the ball whenever it is in play . To be a libero you need an intense desire to be involved in every play just like the setter . Make sure you are constantly in motion and that no ball ever catches you by surprise . For every time you let a ball hit the floor without a body on the floor , take a lap . Personal punishment is a necessary part of your volleyball career .

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How is a libero different than a digger in volleyball?

D.S.' are treated as regular players in terms of rotations and rules. They are subbed in when a front row player gets to the back row, then back out when the DS gets to the front row. A libero is a special player with the same skills as a DS, but has a slightly different set of rules. Liberos can sub an unlimited amount of times, and in some leagues, cannot serve. (though this is uncommon) Liberos also cannot set a front row player in front or on the attack line, nor can they attack when the ball is over the top of the net. In short words, A DS costs the team a substitution and can only go in for one position (one person). A Libero can go in for any person so long as they are back row. Liberos can also serve now, but only in one position.

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Is volleyball for babies?

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AnswerIma Volleyball babeIma V-Ball BabeI got gameServe it Spike itVB 4 lifeGot Game?Got spike?A lot better: "You wish you could hit like a girl"

What is SP in Volleyball stats scoring?

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