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  • Playing surface: Field Hockey is played on fields, Ice Hockey is played on ice. Goals in field hockey are much larger. The field is much larger than the rink, almost 50% further in both dircetions.
  • Equipment: field hockey players rarely wear more than a mouthguard and shinguards, while goalkeepers wear some extra padding and a helmet. Ice hockey players wear a lot of protective equipment, including shin- and armpads, helmets, mouthgaurds, chestpads and gloves. The shape and size of the stick in each sport is also markedly different.
  • Teams: ice hockey teams can have 20 players, of which 6 play on the ice at any time. Field hockey teams can have 16 players, of which 11 can play on the field at any time. There is no specification on what positions must be included in a field hockey team, while ice hockey rosters have certain proportions that must be either goalkeepers or onice players.
  • Rules: ice hockey is considerably more restrictive in how a game may be played, such as restrictions on where the puck can be passed, but comparatively quite violent - bodychecking is allowed as well as other forms of physical contact, and fighting is not considered a major violation. In field hockey, physical contact is very rare, and only occurs in normal contest for the ball (not as an option for making a tackle). the ball can be played in virtually any way that does not cause danger.
  • Gameplay: ice hockey features a lot more time stoppages, like many north American sports, than field hockey. A field hockey team cannot choose when they have a timeout either. The ways of moving a ball/puck around are very different; in ice hockey, players may use their hands or skates, while in field hockey, the ball is often raised high above the surface or juggled on the stick.
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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago


  • The sports are called hockey.
  • They are Olympic sports.
  • They involve using a stick to move an object into a goal.
  • Goalkeepers wear large thick padding to protect themselves.


  • See the related questions.
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Floor hockey is played with hockey sticks and either a ball or puck on hard, flat, floor. Field hockey, on the other hand, is mainly played by girls. It consists of using a wooden curved field hockey stick and is played with a hard ball in a grassy field.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Besides the fact they both use a stick to put an object into a goal, they are completely different games.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Floor Hockey you play on grass,ice hockey you play on ice

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βˆ™ 14y ago

ice hockey is on ice floor hockey is on floor

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Field hockey is better, it is a very old sport that takes back a long way, Ice hockey was a re-make by the Canadians made for a suitable way for colder seasons.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

floor ball isn't real and hockey is

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