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For a block you could say: access denied or " is it Thanksgiving? Cause you just got stuffed" or not in my house. For a spike you could do a karate cry.

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Q: What are some good volleyball disses to say after you block someone or spike it and win the point?
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Scorer in volleyball?

is someone that keeps the score in volleyball, they also count the amount of serves in the court. joe Williams

How is called the last point of a volleyball game?

The last point of a volleyball game is called the game point. Simple, huh? In the last game of a match, the game point is called the match point.

How do you block someone who was but now isn't a friend on Snapchat?

The ideal way to block someone that is no longer a friend on Snapchat is to hit the ignore feature. You can search for them by username and block them directly at their profile and tap the gear icon. The option to block them will come up at this point.

Definition of volleyball block?

A volleyball block is when one or two members of the front row, usually the middle and the right side or left side jump up, arms extended, to block a spike from the opposing team. The intended result is for the ball to hit the two blockers' palms and ricochet back to the other side of the court, instigating either a point for the blocking team or a scramble to somehow recover the ball for the spiking team. However, there are many instances in which the ball goes through or over the block, or the blockers aren't close enough to the net so the ball ricochets off the block but still comes down on the blockers' side. In college and professional volleyball, however, a block is an effective way to get a point, though it is often recovered by the other team.

What is the point of playing volleyball?

none it is stupid

What are block attempt in volleyball?

An approach in volleyball is the three steps a hitter uses while moving to the ball to spike it. They're approaching ball. The approach footwork must be correct and the timing of when to start their approach should be practiced. Usually a hitter will begin their approach when the ball is at its highest point

How much does a point worth in volleyball?

A point is worth a point, in any game

What is traditional point scoring in volleyball?

Rally scoring

Is the ball in volleyball the focal point in the game?


Game Point in Volleyball?

it is simply the ending score

What is the theme of tight end?

The point of a tight end is someone who can catch and block. He's kinda the go-to guy.

What is a score in volleyball?

It's when a point is scored after every serve.