hey the [school mascot} we are here to blow you away now we are going to beat you today
some cheers are hard it depends on how good you are :))
hey the [school mascot} we are here to blow you away now we are going to beat you today
he we go team
Yes: Go Red! Go Red!
make sure the cheers are short and do not have any complicated motions
We are the 5th graders go 5th graders and were the best say what say what and were the (school mascot) no diggity from (school name_ blank-elementary-school)
Grandparent love, grandparent provide, grandparent are always at your side!
If you mean cheers, as in a toast to fortune and good health, a common word is "salud."
I think if you are looking for basic softball cheers, I think this is a good website.http:/www.eteamz.com/fastpitch/instruction/cheers Although since i am experienced I have heard most of these cheers but this website has probably hundred's and categorized them by our team, your team, your pitcher and so on. I really hope this website helps
the UGLY cheer
Good-bye! cheers!
any cheers!! if u hear any cheerleaders and hear there song use thoses but turn them around an use them for volleyball