Chairman of the Board, Chief Accounting Officer, Chief Business Officer, Chief Brand Officer, Chief Engineering Officer, and Chief Human Resources Officer are a few of the typical business titles that can be acquired.
Marseille football club does have nine titles.
"Common sales executive titles include, Chief Executive Officer or CEO, Chief Financial Officer or CFO, Chief Analytics Officer or CAO and Chief Legal Officer or CLO."
The Ligue 1 club Sochaux has two number of titles.
East Bengal
CIO = Chief Information Officer CTO = Chief Technology Officer COO = Chief Operating Officer
Real Madrid
arsenal-becouse have more titles
Glasgow Rangers Football Club 54 titles
That depends on the type of club. There are two basic types: One is lead by the president and the other lead by a small group or board of directors. In a basic small club, they will have a president, vice pres., Sec, treasurer, Sarge. at arms, and a road captain. These titles can also apply to the board of directors. If the club is larger, they may have someone dedicated to expanding their business enterprises. They may have someone dedicated to membership training and growth. They could have a PR person. Depending on club size they could have second and third for road captains or sarge at arms. Some clubs are fun clubs and don't really need any hierarchy or accountability. Others are very serious business ventures. Some are outlaw, some are just for fun, some are just for sport, some are religious ministry, and others fall in between these - and all have different needs for organization and management. Jefro Communication Officer
The Italian club which has won the most titles in Serie A is Juventus. Juventus has won a total of 30 titles ever since the inception of Serie A.
Bob Paisley