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middie- midfield player, can go anywhere attack- offensive player, stays on offense side cradle- moving the ball in your stick to keep it moving, and to prevent falling stick check- hitting the ball carrier's stick to gain your own possesion keeper- a nickname for a goalie head- the top of a players stick, where the ball is held shaft- the body of the stick, where grip and stability is THERE YOU GO, HERES SOME COMMON TERMS, I HOPE THESE HELP

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16y ago
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15y ago

crease- the circle the goals in

clear- goalie yells it to tell the defenseman to clear out for a pass downfield. also used when anyone moves the ball downfield

get a touch- there is only 10 seconds the ball can stay out of the restraining box, so get a touch means the player needs to get in the box before the timer runs out

long pole- there are 3 longstick defenseman.

middie- a midfielder

iso-when a player takes the ball on their own without running a play

attackmen- the 3 offensive players

shorty- any offensive player has a short stick

slash- most common penalty in Lacrosse,when you hit someone like a Baseball bat basicly

cross check- when you go for a body check and dont put your hands together on the stick and you hit the person with your stick instead of your hands

poke check- defesive check

gillman- like a hail merry in football you just chuck it down field

horn- coach calls for a horn for a sub

yellow (or whatever you use for a sub)- called when a team is subing. you hold the ball until the other player is in play.

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14y ago

im hot- Player who will slide

Im 2- Player who will slide into the im hot position after slide

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15y ago

Brands? or like short pole vs d-pole??

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4y ago

Fast,action-packed,hard competitive,exiting to name a few

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