The plus/minus is simply stating the players on the ice if a goal is scored.
For example, if a player is on the ice when their team scores then each of the players of that team on the ice get a plus, conversely, every player on the opposing team gets a minus.
So say for instance Mike Green is scores one night and is also on the ice when the opposing team scores a goal to tie it 1-1....then Mike Green's plus/minus score would be 0.
What happens is when a goal is scored, all the players on the scoring team get plus one on their plus-minus rating, and all the players on the scored on team gets minus one on their rating. signed Hockey Man
the calculations are G for goal A for assist and P for points. Points are goals and assists combined. P/M is plus minus for a plus it's a goal when your on the ice. Minus is when the other team scores on you when your on ice. Also S is for save. Hope this answered your question
it's referring to the plus/minus stat while a player is on the ice. Is the team PLUS a number of goals or MINUS a number of goals? Well, the E stands for EVEN, as the players team has played to an EVEN score while he has been on the ice. Not plus, and not minus. E for EVEN. (Inn)
the sign - is the sign for minus. on stats, it will read +/- which stand for plus-minus. you get a plus every time ur on the ice when ur team scores a goal. you get a minus when ur on the ice and the opposition scores
No, since a player has to be on the ice in even strength situations for plus/minus to count.
== == NO. They are not part of the regular game/ player stats.
Same mathematical signs equal plus Different mathematical signs equal minus Plus Plus = Plus (+)(+) = + Minus Minus = Plus (-)(-) = + Plus Minus = Minus (+)(-) = - Minus Plus = Minus (-)(+) = - So the direct answer to your question would be: plus minus equals minus
10 Players on an Ice Hockey Rink (plus 2 goalies)
Yes, A goal is a goal, regardless of who scored it. The same thing applies if a player scores an "own goal " in his own net. however a player does not receive a plus for scoring a goal on a powerplay and a player does not receive a minus for being on the ice for a goal scored against you killing a penalty
== == Pro Hockey leauges have an official stats person who produces the plus minus numbers, which are released to the sports media, who publish them for the public to read. Plus minus numbers are based on a simple fact, was a player on the ice when his team scored a goal? If yes , he gets a plus point on his stats. was he on the ice when the other team scored on his team? If so, he gets a minus point on his sheet.
The "plus minus" scoring system is a means of rating the value of each individual player. The plus represents the number of goals your team scores while you are on the ice and minus is the number of goals you get scored against you while you are on the ice. Plus/Minus is a basic way to rate each individual player. In theory, the higher a player's plus/minus score, the better the player. For each player (except the goalie) who is on the ice when a goal is scored by the opposing team is rated a -1. Conversely, every player on the ice when their own team scores a goal (except the goalie) is rated a +1. A player who is rated a + 13 for example, has been on the ice during 13 more goals scored for his team than against it. Shorthanded and powerplay goals are not counted in plus/minus ratings. A player with a plus 5 is a better player than one with a minus 5. For example: a player is on ice and a team member scores a goal all the players on the ice for that goal will receive a plus, and the players on ice will receive a minus if a goal is against them. Lets say Mike Modano is on ice during a play and Brenden Morrow scores a goal. Modano as well as the other 4 players will receive a plus point, and if Mike Modano is on ice during play and a player from the opposite team scores a goal against Turco, then they all will receive a minus. E is used in some box scores to denote "Even," or a plus/minus of zero.
A plus + a plus is a plus.