I could be very wrong, but I always believed that the home team had the option to choose whether they wear the dark or light based colors. While most home teams choose the dark colors, the Dallas Cowboys always choose their white colors which is why most games the Cowboys are in their white uniforms. Again, I could be wrong but I thought the only reason that the Cowboys do wear their blue uniforms is when home teams have tried to mess with the Cowboys and have chosen their light uniforms forcing the Cowboys to wear blue for a slight home advantage.
I'd love someone to answer this too, because I'm not 100% sure.
Away colors are the white jerseys. However, the home team gets to choose which uniform version it will wear and Dallas Cowboys choose to wear their 'away' jersey at home. That way they get to wear one uniform no matter where they play. There have been other times that the home team chose to wear its away jerseys. Some of those have caused the Cowboys to wear their home (blue) jerseys even when they are the visitors. There was one occasion (I believe it was between the Chargers and Broncos) where the home team (a California team) chose to wear white due to the high temperatures. The visitors had to wear their dark jerseys which caused overheating and dehydration giving the home team an advantage since they were wearing white.
The "HOME" team gets to pick whether to wear color or white jerseys for their Superbowl. AFC teams are "HOME" for even numbered Superbowls, with the NFC "HOME" for the odd numbered ones.
Most of the time, the home team picks the colored jersey.
For example, the Superbowl presently going to be played Feb 1, 2009 is Superbowl 43 (XLIII)- an odd number, making the NFC's Arizona Cardinals the "HOME" team. They will likely pick their red jerseys. If they do, then Pittsburgh will wear their white jerseys.
the home team wears white and the visiting teams wears gray. Actually, "home whites" and 'road greys" is the rule in ML Baseball. In the NFL, it's the home team's decision as to whether they want to wear dark or light, and I believe it's traditional for most teams to wear dark at home.
football teams usually have a bright color and a white jersey.
They wear their bright jersey at home games and their white jerseys at away games!
hope this helped
Usually colours related to the team logo. For example, arsenal has red and white on their logo and for this year and other years past they have been wearing red and white for home.
Home teams have the option of what color uniform to wear....most choose their team colors, so the visiting team will usually wear white.
What is Morgan Park uniform colors
a uniform
Most teams wear their dark colors at home, but the redskins and cowboys wear their white uniforms at home. the redskins home uniform is white with burgandy and gold trim.
Individual league rules require the uniform colors for home teams and visiting teams.
Click on the link below. It has all the past, present and anniversary colors of NFL teams.
Navy blue and white (home colors) and navy blue and gray (away).
It really depends on what their colors are. Usually, a team will have a white uniform that has their team color as an accent for one uniform and their team colors will be on the other one. Or, they will wear one color on top and their other color on the bottom for home and then switch it for away. Like say the team's colors are orange and blue then they may wear blue on top and orange on bottom for home games and orange on top and blue on bottom for away games. Each team has different colors so they all have different colored jerseys.
I am not selling the uniform bags, black or otherwise. You might want to try a local uniform store in youe area. I am sure they would have several colors to choose from.
Captain America's uniform is red, white, and blue.