If there's a chance of getting hit in the testicles, boys should wear a jockstrap and cup, regardless of age. Boys should also wear one for support when running or working out, especially once puberty starts and they start developing more.
A boy should wear a jockstrap to hold a cup in place, for sports with that kind of contact, regardless of age. Boys should also start wearing a regular jockstrap for support at the latest once puberty starts, as this is when the risk is greatest for testicular torsion. Youth sizes are available with smaller pouches for boys who have not fully grown and developed yet.
Boys should wear jockstraps and cups if they are playing in a contact sport. This will help prevent injury (doesn't completely stop injury just helps in preventing small mishaps). If they are not playing a sport and just want to wear a jock as underwear. I would wait until they start buying their own or begin deciding what they are going to wear and not wear what mommy tells them to.
Jockstraps can be worn for underwear especially when it is hot in the summer or year around if you live in the South. Cotton or soft lycra works good for underwear
When playing sports, especially rough ones, boys of all ages should protect themselves with a jock.
Boys at the age and activity level that a jock and or jock /cup should be started in pee wee Baseball, soccer. Then 6yr old and up who play Basketball a regular jockstrap should be given to the boy and it should be mandatory. Boys who skateboarder must be strapped and cupped for safety along with all the other padding and helmets they need. Boys who ride Bikes for long distances should just wear a good fitting jockstrap under his sweats or cargo shorts all the time. All boys that Dive when swimming must wear a jockstrap under their board shorts. Teens might just wish t switch to wearing a jockstrap as regular under wear.
I agree. Jock straps can be worn as regular underwear especially during the summer time weather or if you are in Florida, year around. Underwear jockstraps are made from soft cotton so they do not cause a rash.
Definitely any time you need to wear a cup, which doesn't really matter what age. Use the protection when you need it. A boy should probably start wearing one for support at the latest when they start puberty, as things start to grow and bounce around a lot more. There are youth size jockstraps available with or without cups, so those are the best option if you are still growing down there or small in the waist.
At least puberty. Most Rugby players do not use these the use swimming trunks under shorts
Any boy that plays PE should be wearing a jockstrap for the support of his family jewels. If the boy has started wearing boxers before 7th grade ( Jr high) he should wear a regular Bike jock under those boxers. I would recommend however try fitting your son well before that if he skateboards often with a cup/ jock NO compression shorts.
men and women
The waistband should rest on your waist and your genitals should be securely tucked into the front pouch on the jockstrap. Slide the cup into the pouch at the front of the jockstrap. The narrower end of the cup should be facing downward, with the wider end up just below the waistband.
well the penis should be on either side that is comfortable for u
why do u need a jockstrap
Someone playing basketball would just need a regular jockstrap, with a pouch for support. There are youth sizes available for preteens.
Charles Bennett invented the jockstrap in 1874.
yes they do its a suspensory jockstrap at internationaljockstrap.com
As you know jockstraps are worn when playing sports so it is highly likely the coach and the team mates as well as your son knows to wear a jockstrap. However, if you are concerned just bring it up casually and ask if he needs to buy one. If he says yes then give him the money and send him to the store to purchase one.
At least 10, at that age they should be responsible enough to take care of it.
Nothing at all--it's not a big deal.
Cleopatra had her first son at the age of 22.Cleopatra had her first son at the age of 22.Cleopatra had her first son at the age of 22.Cleopatra had her first son at the age of 22.Cleopatra had her first son at the age of 22.Cleopatra had her first son at the age of 22.Cleopatra had her first son at the age of 22.Cleopatra had her first son at the age of 22.Cleopatra had her first son at the age of 22.