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Q: What Physical factors do we needed for netball?
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Is aerobic endurance needed in the sport of netball?

yes it is!

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How is netball phsical?

netball is very physical it involves a lot of dodging, jumping, sprinting; it also involves alot of thinking and tatics.. hope that helps :)

What is the strengths needed in netball?

mainly arm strength so that you can get a far through.

Why is power needed in netbal?

Full body power is required in netball:

What are 2 safety factors of netball?

wear ankle guards and try not to get too aggresive

3 kinds of physical education?

Football, Basketball, Netball, Cricket, Badminton, Tennis

Is Co-ordinance needed in netball?

Yes, it is. You need to co-ordinate your hands and your feet.

What is body composition needed in netball?

it helps you play better because you can go for longer on the pitch!

What subjects do you need to become a famous netball-er?

To become a famous netball star, you must be able o play netball well and maybe also take Physical Education for can option in school as it will boost your chance in getting a sport related job.

Why is flexability important in netball?

Being incredible flexible is not needed in Netball but it helps to be a little flexible to avoid injury, such as pulling a muscle. You don't need to be able to do the splits or anything really flexible ;)