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Q: What Oakland raider QB mark Wilson jersey number?
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Related questions

Why is the Oakland raider's away jersey white?

The white jersey signifies "I surrender" The Raider W/L record will validate this.

What number did jack tatum wear on his jersey?

The "Assassin" wore the #31 and then #32 only. He was an Oakland Raiders player not a Los Angeles Raider.

Where can one find images of the Raider's jersey?

The official NFL-website provides images of the Oakland Raider's jersey. Another option would be to look through the up-to-date NFL magazines or the latest articles in NFL-magazines.

Was Oakland raider's quarter back in 1970's jersey number 16 ever retired?

No, the Raiders do not retire numbers.The last player to wear #16 for the Raiders was QB Andrew Walter from 2006-2008.

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Who is the fastest Oakland raider in history?

Bo Jackson

Who was the Oakland raider quarterback who became their kicker?

George Blanda

Who is the Oakland Raider's team doctor?

dr. Marvin monroe

Who has the most quarterback sacks as a Oakland raider?

Howie long

What are the release dates for Oakland Raider Parking Lot - 2005?

Oakland Raider Parking Lot - 2005 was released on: USA: 7 February 2005 (San Francisco Independent Film Festival)

When did randy moss wear 18 in minnesota?

Randy Moss did not wear #18 in Minnesotsa (1998-2004), he wore jersey number 84. Moss switched to number 18 in Oakland (2005-2006). He switched numbers because #84 was taken by fellow Raider wide receiver Jerry Porter.

Who was the Oakland raider quarterback in the 70's who went directly from high school to the Oakland Raiders?

jim plunkett