Randy Moss did not wear #18 in Minnesotsa (1998-2004), he wore jersey number 84. Moss switched to number 18 in Oakland (2005-2006). He switched numbers because #84 was taken by fellow Raider wide receiver Jerry Porter.
His number was 18
81 (an inversion of his previous number of 18 which he wore in both Minnesota and Oakland) The numbers that Randy Moss has worn since High school. Dupont High, #3 Florida State, #18 Marshall University, #88 Vikings, #18, 84 Oakland, #18 New England, #18*, 81 *number 18 jersey on the patriots team was only worn in practice but never worn in a real game. www.nflcustomjerseys.com said #81
depends on the type of card
Randy Moss Peyton Manning Donte Stallworth
Actually in Oakland he wore number 18. 81 is what he is wearing now with the Patriots of New England.
As of the end of the 2007 Moss caught 124 TD passes, he also had 9 rushing TD's , and 1 Punt Return TD. = =
Benny Moss was born on 1970-04-18.
Moss Cass was born on 1927-02-18.
Mal Moss was born on 1905-04-18.
Randy Castillo was born on December 18, 1950.
Randy Castillo was born on December 18, 1950.
Randy Denton was born on 1949-02-18.