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Mississippi Valley State, Alma Mater of the great Jerry Rice!

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Plymouth Argyle

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Packers, Eagles, Jets, and Seahawks.

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norwich city and Brazil

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Green Bay, Jets, Philly Eagles

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Q: What NFL football teams wear green uniforms?
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Who were the last team to wear primarily green home shirts in top flight English football?

Norwich, in the early 2000s, yellow and green uniforms. Plymouth, who has almost made the EPL in recent years, has green and white uniforms.

Why do the French sports teams wear blue uniforms?


Did soldiers wear green or tan in world war 2?

Americans wore Tan uniforms and green uniforms

Which football teams wear f50 football boots?


Why don't level 3 cheerleaders wear crop uniforms?

becuase after this year all cheer teams have to have full body uniforms

What teams do not wear their names on their uniforms in Major League Baseball?

Oakland Athletics

What major league baseball teams wear only two uniforms excluding throwback uniforms during regular season?

The Brewers.

What football helmet does college teams wear?


When NFL teams wear throwback uniforms are the helmets painted or are they different helmets?

Different helmets

What laundry detergent do major league teams use to clean their uniforms?

The laundering of MLB uniforms varies by team. Some teams send their uniforms to private laundries that pick up and deliver the goods. Other teams have in-house services that clean the uniforms.

Do the Toronto Blue Jays wear green uniforms on St. Patrick's day?


What professional football teams wear the color orange?
