The current player wearing #7 is Jamey Carrol, but Brandon Phillips and Kenney Lofton also wore the number.
Currently, there is no player who wears jersey number 7 for mancunian republic.
JD Drew
Harvey knibbsy
He wears number 7.
Raúl used to wear the number 7, but currently Cristiano Ronaldo, a Portugese footballer, who also wears 7 for his national team, wears it.
Mickey Mantle
He wears 7.
Cristiano Ronaldo used to be #9 but changed to #7 with Real Madrid.
Ben Roethlisberger currently wears number '7' for the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Andriy Shevchenko
Ashley Young wears the number 11 shirt for England
The number 7 is Lamar Odom. He was drafted by the Clippers. He also wore the number 7 with the Clippers.