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Q: Was there ever a foul balls and you?
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Related questions

What is the limit of foul balls allowed in softball?

There is no limit on the number of foul balls.

Is there a rule for 99 foul balls?


How many fowl balls in a row happened in baseball?


What is a word for hitting snooker balls all wrong?

A foul shot or foul stroke

What do turkeys have in common with foul balls?

Well, I'm guessing it has to do with the Turkey balls, which are the things that hang from the turkey's neck. So a ball in foul territory is a foul ball, and the things under a turkey's neck are fowl balls. That's all I got. Anybody else?

What is the most foul balls in one at bat in MLB?


Is foul ball counted as a strike?

It depends on how the game is being played. Most of the time, foul balls don't count as a strike; you can hit a ton of foul balls while you're up to bat and it won't matter. If you're playing a strict game of baseball, though, if you go up to bat and hit two foul balls, they count as strikes. Then, if you miss the ball or whatever, that would be your third strike. And you're out. :) Foul balls count as strikes when every the batter does not have two strikes, once a batter gets two strikes foul balls are no longer counted as strikes.

What is the Most possible number of pitches in an at bat with no foul balls?


Do 3 foul balls equal 3 strikes?

yes and no. a foul ball on the third strike goes uncaught then it is not a third strike. if a foul ball is caught on the third strike, including a foul tip, the batter is out.

How many foul balls are allowed before a batter is out?

There is no limit to the number of fouls in the MLB.The only rules about foul balls is if a batter attempts to bunt with two strikes and the ball is bunted foul, the batter is called out. But there is no limit to the number of foul balls a batter can hit when swinging at the pitch.This is true. However, the first 2 foul balls that are hit and not caught are considered strikes. After that, there is no limit to the amount of foul balls that can be hit, as long as they're not caught.

Who hit woman with foul ball twice?

Hitting the same woman twice during that epic run of 19 foul balls, Richie Ashburn also hit a foul ball that landed on a ledge above the window of the press box; the next foul ball knocked off the previous one and they both fell. I was there that day -- it was the only Phillies game I ever attended.

What is the record for number of foul balls hit during one game?