Tom Landry was born on September 11, 1924.
It does not appear that Bree Ann Landry is related to Tom Landry.
Tom Landry was born in Mission, Texas.
Yes. Tom Landry passed away February 12, 2000.
Tom Landry passed away from leukemia on February 12, 2000.
Tom Landry died on February 12, 2000 at the age of 75.
Tom Landry was born on September 11, 1924.
Tom Landry had 250 wins with the Dallas cowboys
From 1960 to 1988, Tom Landry was the only head coach the Cowboys had ever had. Since 1989, they have had six other head coaches -- Jimmy Johnson, Barry Switzer, Chan Gailey, Dave Campo, Bill Parcells and Wade Phillips.
Michael Irvin was drafted in 1988 by Tom Landry.
No. Tom Landry's only opportunity as a National Football League head coach was with the Dallas Cowboys from 1960 to 1988. Before that, he pretty much ran the New York Giants' defense as a player-coach in the 1950s.