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Where does Hayley Williams origanally come from?

Meridian Mississippi

Where did they invent netball?

Netball was invented in 1895 by Clara Gregory Baer and was first played in England. It was origanally called womens basketball. It was a variation of the game because the women of the time couldn't run freely in large skirts.

Where does squid come from origanally?

Squid comes from the Atlantic ocean

What year did netball come out?

netball was invented in 1895

What is the netball world cup?

it is a competition where different netball tems come and compete for the cup it is a competition where different netball tems come and compete for the cup it is a competition where different netball tems come and compete for the cup

When did netball come to Trinidad?

netball came to Trinidad and tobago in the 1890s

When did netball come to Australia?


Where was Emmett origanally from?

Emmett origanally lived in Tennessee

Where does the fever netball team come from?

The Fever Netball team comes from WA (Western Australia)

How did hacking develop?

The word come out as computers came out, about the 1960's. It origanally meant "to tweak".

When was netball invented?

Netball was invented in 1895 by Clara Gregory Baer and was first played in England. It was origanally called womens basketball. It was a variation of the game because the women of the time couldn't run freely in large skirts. Netball was invented in 1895 by Clara Gregory Baer and was first played in England. It was a sport that you had to smoke weed in. Thus making you baked, whislt eating a mexican burrito.

What country does haggiss come from origanally?

It is always assumed that it comes from Scotland. However, there is a recipe from Lancashire dated about 1430