Netball was invented when James Naismith was asked to create a Basketball game for women.
odd nod
Derek Willis and the Q man.
I looked this up and didn't come up with an inventor by that name. I found a writer.
You don't need to go to college to invent. All you have to do is come up with a workable good idea. It would help if you were an engineer, designer, or other related area, but there is no "inventor" college degree.
Connected bodies
Inventors are the people who think up useful stuff that no one has thought of before. They may come up with an idea "as a whole" or may take pieces of this idea and that idea to make something new and unique. Inventions are the things inventors create; they are the product or the application that comes out of an inventor's idea. And history is full of inventors and inventions. There are many, many tens of thousands of them both.
an architect came up with an idea and the builders built it
my mom came up with the idea
How do you come up with your ideas? One day he was sitting and thinking and he came up with an idea! It's not too hard to figure out.
A dream she had
From Egypt.