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Sadly being that this is not a very popular marker, you will not find to many videos on this. Try, a paintball forum with numerous threads including video threads. If all else fails try

Actually the EW-1 is a re-badged spyder VS-1, so any video you find for the Spyder VS-1 will be the same exact marker as the EW-1. The VS-1 was a very popular marker that was being sold at $100 but Spyder took it out of production for reasons unknown. The EW-1 can be found for $60 on a few sites and is in many people's opinion the best value on the paintball market right now.

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Q: Video for EW-1 Paintball gun
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The purpose of a paintball gun is to fire paintball pellets, to mark opponents in the game of paintball.

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A paintball marker is a paintball gun. It is just called a marker instead of a gun.

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No, do not expose your paintball gun to water.

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No. The state of Ohio did not invent the paintball gun.

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A paintball gun is several magnitudes stronger then a Nerf gun. A paintball travels at around 200 mph, where a Nerf gun is around 10.

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No. Nothing dissolves in the process of a paintball gun firing.

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11 to play at fields, 18 to buy a paintball gun.

Is it legal to have a paintball gun shipped to Dubai?

yes. you can ship a paintball gun anywhere.

What to buy xbox360 or paintball gun?

I LOVE PAINTBALL i have both a paintball gun and a 360 i love my 360 but no exersize i love paintball so much more and would take it over video games any day so much to do with paintball upgrade your gun go to diff fields CLEAN IT lol take the paintball gun some cheap starter guns are the "azodin blitz" 170$ "Proto SLG 2009 basic" 200$ "Azodin Kaos" 85$ those are some good guns well have fun with your choice hope i helped!

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The same as every other paintball gun, louder then an airsoft gun, softer then a pellet gun.

Can a felon have paintball gun in Missouri?

Yes. A paintball gun is not considered a firearm therefore a felon can purchase a paintball gun in Texas.