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No, it is a violation in High School rules, Rule 4.29 in the NFHS rule book says

"Kicking the ball is intentionally striking it with any part of the leg or foot."

The rule book doesn't specify the difference between the offensive or defensive kicking. So any party doing the above action would be called for a violation.

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Yes. It is not possible to travel while dribbling. The height of the dribble is also irrelevant.

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16y ago

If a player in Basketball travels, the umpire calls travel and its a turn over to the other team, meaning the other team gets the ball and they throw it in from the side line.

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13y ago

If you are in the air and dribbling at the same time it is insanely awesome but not traveling.

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Q: Travelling or doubble-dribbling in basketball
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the answer you are looking for is called travelling

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it is a travel and the other team gets the ball

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When dribbling, you use the palm of your hand to protect the ball, which is considered a travelling violation, and the other team gets the ball out of bounds

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Dr.James Naithsmith a Canadian introduced it by using a peach basket. But there was no such thing as travelling at first.

Name 2 things basketball players do during a game?

The basketball is the most valuable object in the game. You will need to work its way down the court by dribbling or passing without double dribbling, travelling, going out of bounds, and fouling. Your goal is to place the ball in the the net and yell BUCKETS!!!!!

What is correct you have been on travelling or you have been travelling?

You have been travelling is correct. You would never say you have been on travelling, although for poetic emphasis you could say you have been travelling on.

How long to Ireland?

That would depend on where in the world you are measuring or travelling from, and if you are travelling, it would depend on what way you were travelling.

Is photon time travelling?

No, a photon is not time travelling

Is it OK if you land with the ball after trying a jump shot in basketball?

Not if you are the shooter. If you have possession of the ball and you jump in the air, you must pass or shoot the ball before you land or you will be charged with a travelling violation (generally called 'up and down').