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A player cannot both have and not have the ball.

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Q: How is called when a basketball player has the ball and moves without the ball?
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What is it called when you walk with the ball without bouncing it?

It is called "traveling" in basketball, which is a violation where a player moves one or both of their feet illegally without dribbling the ball.

In basketball What do you call the foul when a person moves without dribbling the ball?


A violation by a player with the ball how moves both feet without dribbling?

its called a travel. You better not trying to be funny or sumfing cwunt

What moves are there in basketball?

the are too many moves in basketball to list but all moves fall into these categories: crossover, hesitations, and drives. (this doesn't include finishing moves)

What is traveling in basketball?

Dribbling my hommie.

Is traveling in a basketball violation or a foul?

The traveling violation occurs when person throws ball on the court and another player receives it and moves both feet without dribbling the ball.

Can you touch the basketball when it is in the cylinder?

An offensive player touch the ball when it is in the cylinder. If a defensive player touches it then, it is goaltending and two or three points are awarded.

What makes a better basketball player?

PracticeDedication to the cameImproving your skills on the courtLearning from your mistakeWatch some of the stars from today and pick up on what they do like your favorite player watch his or her moves and what they do study them and do them.Hard work and Dedication that basicly all you need to be a better basketball player practice on your shots, defence, vision, basketball IQ, learining all the fundamentals the basics and you will improve on your game.Love the All American Basketball Player Dalvin Jones

What are the different moves in basketball?


What are the basketball moves that Kobe uses in the game?

Some of the basketball moves that Kobe Bryant uses when he plays basketball include moves like driving, faking, and fading away as a quick combo, or simple dribbling around people.

Can a pawn pass another pawn without engaging?

Yes, it's called a passed pawn when one player moves ahead instead of taking a pawn or a piece.

Can you take a step without a dribble?

Yes, you can^Uh no..Stepping Before DribblingA player who receives a pass from a teammate and starts running without dribbling is performing an illegal move. The player must dribble before he moves on the court with the ball, or else the referee will cite him for traveling. At the professional level, National Basketball Association referees seem to let players take a step before the dribble, but this should not happen in college, high school or youth basketball.