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Most points by one team in a half is 49 (achieved twice - Green Bay vs. Tampa Bay, Oct. 2, 1983 in the first half; Chi. Bears vs. Philadelphia, Nov. 30, 1941 in the second half).

Most combined points by a team in a half is 70 (Houston (35) vs. Oakland (35), Dec. 22, 1963)

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15y ago
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14y ago

Cumberland vs. Georgia Tech 1916. Georgia led 126-0 at halftime, and won 222-0.

That is also the highest scoring game of all time.

John Heisman of Heisman Trophy Fame was Georgia's coach.

Also of note the year before Cumberland suspended their football program, but not allowed to cancel this game unless they paid a 3,000 dollar fine.

Instead of paying the fine they cobbled a team together.

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8y ago

The Phoenix Suns scoring 107 against Denver

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