Wilt Chamberlain with 100 pts in one game holding the NBA record.
The highest average of basketball is 14 points a game for a benched player.
61 on January 24 2014
Wilt Chamberlain
Pistons won a triple-overtime game against the Nuggets in a NBA highest scoring game of 186-184. Combined scoring 370 points.
The highest points scored in a game was 100, by Wilt Chamberlain, of the Philidelphia Warriors.
The highest average of basketball is 14 points a game for a benched player.
Dirk Nowitzki
Hakeem Olajawon
The points in a game by one player is 100 so you have to score over 100 with one player to beat the record.
61 on January 24 2014
On Youtube is where that video could be found.
69 points against the cleveland cavs
Michael Jordan was the best all round player. Highest scoring was wilt chamberlein.
81 points by Kobe Bryant vs Toronto Raptors
Michael Jordan : 30.1ppg
Wilt Chamberlain