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Softball was introduced as an Olympic medal sport for women in 1996. The United States won the gold medal at those Olympic Games held in Atlanta. As of now, softball is scheduled to be discontinued as an Olympic sport after the 2008 Games in Beijing.

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Q: The first softball team to win an olympic medal?
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What softball team won in the last olympics?

Japan won the last Olympic softball event. That was the only time the USA did not win the gold medal.

What softball team won the last Olympics?

Japan won the last Olympic softball event. That was the only time the USA did not win the gold medal.

Did Dot Richardson coach the 2004 Olympic softball team?

No, the coach of the U.S. 2004 Olympic softball team was Mike Candrea.

Crystal busto on softball olympic team?

It's Crystal Bustos and yes she was on the Olympic softball team. I said "was" because softball is no longer in the Olympics starting in 2012.

What's the story of softball?

Softball was at first just indoor baseball. The first softball was a boxing glove and the first bat was a metal pole. Then it grew as a womens sport through out the years. It was first appeared in the Olympics in the 1996 Atlanta Games where the USA team won their first gold medal. They then appeared again in the 2000 Sydney Games where the they won another gold medal. In the 2004 Athens games, they won their third gold medal. In the 2008 Beijing Games, they lost in the gold medal round against Japan after they were favored to win the gold once more. As of today, softball is no longer considered an olympic sport. Some of the IOC ( International Olympic Committie) members belive its not an internationally known sport and that it is too closely related to baseball which seems to have a drug problem. It was voted out of the 2012 and 2016 olympic games but the ISF (International Softball Federation) is working very hard to regain its olympic status in the 2020 olympic games.

What brand bats do the USA Olympic softball team use?

what kind of bats do the usa softball team use

Who is the catcher for the Olympic softball team?

Stacey Nuevman

What Olympic softball team took the gold medal in this years games?

it was definAtely nottt team USA. theyre always favored to win but this year's games they faced an upset and lost to JAPAN!

What team won in the softball olympics team?

Japan won the last Olympic softball event. That was the only time the USA did not win the gold medal.

Who does Jennie Finch play for?

The USA Olympic Softball Team

American Natasha Wadley competed in which sport at the 2004 Summer Olympics?

Natasha Watley was a member of the 2004 U.S. Olympic softball team that won the gold medal in Athens.

Which sport won the first gold medal for the New Zealand olympic team?

Jack Beatson