The film Green Street was released in the year 2005. The film Green Street is an independent drama film about football. Another name for the film is Football Hooligans. This film is popular in several countries.
No, it is not fictional like many people think. It is based around the real truth of football firms in England. Green Street are not actually the name of West Ham's firm, inter city being the real name and all characters are fictional.
I.D., The Firm, Greet Street Hooligans, The Football Factory, etc theres I.D., green street holligans 1,2, the football factory, cass and some more i cant remember
NO, He isn't!
The brand of jacket that Pete Dunham wears on Green Street Hooligans is Adidas.
next year
One day!
its alreadyy out :)
yes there will be a Green Street Hooligan 3 . . . it is called "The Return Of The Major" are you sure ??
Eastern London, UK
Football hooligans is a phrase that refers to overly violent and destructive football (soccer) fans. These fans usually join firms that support a specific team, and travel with that team to their out-of-town games in order to cause havoc to fans and police of the opposite team.